Sunday, 3 November 2013
Marylisha and Lily
Meg, Juliet and Mu
Actually we are talking Rugby!
Reading outside
Just like mum!
Charlie in action
Sam and friends
Sophie and Faith
Mr Calder
Jasper taking reading!
Fresh off the tree....
Coconuts! Yum!!!
Singing up a storm!
The Welcome
Excited faces
Just arrived at school
So happy to be at school!
Morning Tea Setup!
Ready for visit
In charge!
Early Morning Sitting!
Early Morning Training
Sam, Conor, Morton straight into tidying..they can do this at home;)
Tying up the mosquito net..part of the tidy routine
So the kids do know how to tidy😉!
Nurse Maureen digging for coral with kalin
Malo..moana and chris on their way to school..all the kids are bringing fruit to welcome us
Meg and Madi..Malo
Malo Shakaia
Natasha and Brittany..Malo
Mr Q. Still asleep!!!!!!
Survival Coffee!
Insect proof!
New Day
Not too bad a view to wake up to! Day 2 begins. Off to Savaia School this morning. Hopefully the container arrives from Apia today.
Saturday, 2 November 2013
Prayer time for the village so just winding down
Sophie and Niamh
Byrin found a coconut shell
Kalin..Byrin sorting his flipper..
Fanning Mrs MacKay..the good life!
earning their right to kayak..hmm😉
Mariama and Oma..dinner prep and dancing to Michael Jackson
Mr Q teaching?
I am reading not sleeping!
Before Dinner Drinks
Back fro the beach. Relaxing before dinner
Meg at Virgin Beach
Virgin Beach..just before a brief down pour
Snorkeling at Virgin Beach
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